Celebrate Easter Weekend with us!
This Easter, let's come together and celebrate the empty tomb, new life, defeated death, broken power of sin, salvation for those who believe, the cleansing blood, the abandoned cross, and the body of Christ.
What better way to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection than gathering with His people?!

March 29 at 6pm
Good Friday Communion
Join us on Good Friday for a Communion Worship Service for a time of reverence and reflection, where we will worship, read Scripture, and remember the work of the cross. This service is an opportunity for us to gather together, participate in Communion, and remember the sacrifice that Jesus made once and for all.

March 30 at 9am till 11am
Easter Egg Hunt
We are thrilled to announce that Grace Kids and Fir Point Farms have teamed up to create an unforgettable Easter Egg Hunt! With more than 10,000 eggs filled with delicious candy and special prizes, as well as photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny, complimentary donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate, this event is sure to be a blast!
We are proud to offer a designated egg hunt area for individuals with special needs or disabilities, ensuring everyone can participate in the fun.
Rain or shine, the event will go on, so don't forget to bring your own basket.
Grace Kids Presents
The Good News For Our Youngest Members
As parents, it’s easy to want to skip the Good Friday story - and save our children from a gruesome story of pain and suffering. However, by doing so, we miss the depth and profound message of the Good News.

Grace Kids
Good Friday Family Guide
Good Friday is what makes our faith stand out above the rest. We have a God who sent His Son to die on a cross so that we could be forgiven and be with Him for eternity. Then He defeated death and rose to life! Hallelujah! It’s a story that is filled with betrayal, torture, and death but ends with hope and life!
This family guide is designed to help you walk through the Good Friday story with your kids at an age-appropriate level and based entirely on scripture. It offers activities, resources, and FAQ's, all tailored to your children's interests.
You don't need to feel pressured to do every single activity or purchase every resource. Choose the ones that work best for your family.
Find out more about Grace Chapel
Our Cause: To experience and express the essence of Jesus Christ
Grace Chapel started with a vision to “Give Itself Away.”
Since the founding of our church in 1998, God has surprised, challenged, and blessed us beyond anything we could have imagined. He has allowed us to effectively serve both locally and globally, in ways that have put us on the front line of seeing Him usher in life change.
Looking back at God’s faithfulness gives us the assurance and courage to boldly step forward into a bright and exciting future. With a strong and vibrant past, we look forward to an amazing future.